Teaching technology at Stewart Avenue PS

January 5th, 2015

Today’s modern billionaires haven’t built their wealth by drilling for oil or digging for minerals. They exist in the digital world where they invent ways to make life simpler with advanced computer technology.

Mr. Vanco, an elementary teacher at Stewart Avenue Public School, teaches his class how to draw rectangles with computer coded language. In addition, he has introduced an Ontario Focused Intervention Partnership (OFIP) by facilitating a 12-week course on coding with a group of students who have shown interest in technology. The sessions aim to show students not only the earning potential with such careers, but the importance that these skills add to society.

The end goal will have each student be able to design their favorite cartoon characters from various TV shows using numbers and commands only. Mr. Vanco adds, “I think this is all very cool, and by no means am I an expert. It’s been very fun to learn alongside these motivated students.”