Primary Arts Night

Join us on Thursday May 5 for the Primary Arts Night. Walk the primary hallway and enjoy artwork from over 7 classes or head over to the library and browse the books from our annual Book Fair. Art Night Flyer

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PIC Family Event Fast Approaching!

For the fifth year in a row, the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and the Waterloo Region Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC) is hosting their free annual family event for parents, guardians and the community! The theme for this year’s parent conference is Strengthening Family-School Relationships – Achieving Excellence and Well-being for all Students. REGISTER NOW! Date: […]

Safe, Caring & Inclusive School Surveys are Here!

Safe, Caring & Inclusive School surveys are important tools which help schools assess the current culture within a school. The survey for parents and guardians, captures perceptions from students, parents, and staff relating to issues such as character development, equity and inclusion, safe schools, and variables that contribute to a healthy school environment. Please take the […]

Budget Consultation Survey closes tomorrow

Calling all students, parents and community members! Have a say in our budget process! Which funding priorities do you think the Board should consider for the 2016-17 school year, and beyond? Respond to the short 2016-17 Budget Consultation Survey to help us identify which areas are important to our WRDSB community. Please keep in mind: the WRDSB […]

Chocolate Bar Fundraiser

Congratulations to the Stewart Avenue community on a fantastic chocolate bar fundraiser. You reached a record high total of $19,610!! This is the highest total we have raised in 5 years. Way to go! Thank you to staff, students, parents, relatives and anyone who purchased chocolate. We can now complete our playground renewal project and support learning […]

Public Health Information

Public Health has provided us with some resources related to enteric and respiratory illnesses commonly found in schools. As parents you can: Encourage good hand washing practices. Encourage good respiratory etiquette, including covering your cough and sneeze. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, bathroom taps, computer keyboard/mouse, and television remotes. Have children […]

Guidance Info updates

Our Guidance page has been updated with new information regarding the summer Reach Ahead program and the High School Prep program. Check it out by clicking the link above.

Snow Event Mar 2 2016

The City of Cambridge has issued a snow event starting at 5am Wed March 2 until 5am Thurs March 3. This means that there is NO street parking of any kind during this time, even if the street has been plowed already. You can read more about that here

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March 1: Evening rentals & school events CANCELLED

Based on current weather information and the anticipated forecast, all rentals (6:30 p.m. onwards) and school events are CANCELLED this evening.

Register now for the PIC and WRAPSC parent conference

For the fifth year in a row, the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and the Waterloo Region Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC) is hosting their free annual family event for parents, guardians and the community! The theme for this year’s parent conference is Strengthening Family-School Relationships – Achieving Excellence and Well-being for all Students. REGISTER NOW! Date: […]

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